Category: Interviews

Part II in our Series of Power and Electricity by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) In our first Electricity Basics article, we talked about the key formulas used to how electricity behaves. It was a lot of theory, and a bit of math, but it’s the fundamental information you need to learn how to work with […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Over the past years, we’ve about a lot of boat electronics, like what’s an MMSI and what do you need DSC for. We’ve touched upon the Automatic Information System (AIS) briefly, but never discussed it extensively. Now it’s time for that deep dive. Because AIS an important tool for any […]

Part I, of iNavX’s Multi-Part Weather Series by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Barometer, n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having. Ambrose Bierce If you just look at a barometer once, it’s pretty much as satirist Ambrose Bierce described. The needle on the front of that old school brass barometer […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) It’s that time of year again, when everyone in the temperate zones is scrambling to get their boats in the water. By April, the most hard core folks are already out there boating in their foulies, but for the rest of us aiming for Memorial Day, it’s commissioning season. And […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Years ago, when I was shopping for my first set of foul weather gear after we got our first boat, I asked my wife if she’d like to go try some on too. “Absolutely not,” she said. “If we need foulies, I don’t want to be out there sailing.” We […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) It’s that time of year again. Fall, the dreaded end of boating season. This month, we’re going to take a quick look at what you can do to make sure your batteries make it through the season in the best condition, so you’re ready for spring. The exact steps will […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Few things are more aggravating that an engine which just won’t start, or one that starts and stalls. Whether you’re pulling on your dinghies outboard while your kids wait their towels and gear for a ride to the beach, or cranking your diesel trying to get your sailboat off the […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor)  My iNavX Experience We’re introducing a new occasional feature on the iNavX blog – interviews and discussions with real users. We hope sharing their iNavX stories will give you new ideas about how our software can be used. When I mentioned I’d be writing for iNavX to a friend of […]