Month: May 2021

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) There are a lot of romanticized idea about living on a boat, but what is boat life really like? There’s no single answer, because there’s no one way to live on a boat. The experiences of a blue water cruiser who moves from country to country and living at anchor […]
- Posted in Blog, Boat Care, Boating Tips, Cruising, Fishing, iNavX, iNavX: How To, Navigation, News, Reviews, Sailing, Sailing Tips
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by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) If you’re buying a boat, you may come across an item on the inventory that says something like this: Icom IC-M802 SSB Radio w/ AT-140 Tuner So we know it’s a radio, but what does the SSB mean? “SSB” is short for Single SideBand radio, also known as a High […]
- Posted in Blog, Boating Tips, Cruising, iNavX, iNavX: How To, Navigation, Sailing, Sailing Tips