Tag: storms

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) If you watch a weather report, on a national level, you’ll often see the meteorologist standing in front of the national map, waving their hands at the various red and blue curves with spikes and lumps on them. They’ll talk about “cold fronts” and “warm fronts,” and show them moving […]
- Posted in Blog, Boat Care, Boating Tips, Cruising, Fishing, iNavX, Navigation, Reviews, Sailing, Sailing Tips
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- Tags: fronts, storms, weather, weather fronts

Part I, of iNavX’s Multi-Part Weather Series by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Barometer, n.: An ingenious instrument which indicates what kind of weather we are having. Ambrose Bierce If you just look at a barometer once, it’s pretty much as satirist Ambrose Bierce described. The needle on the front of that old school brass barometer […]
- Posted in Blog, Boat Care, Boating Tips, Cruising, Fishing, iNavX, iNavX: How To, Interviews, Navigation, Reviews, Sailing, Sailing Tips
- Tags: bad weather, barometer, high pressure, rain, storms, weather, weather systems