Category: Fishing

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor)  “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy” –  Helmuth von Moltke If you haven’t figured it out from my posts to date, the initial battery installation didn’t go as smoothly as planned. There were some speed bumps. A few dips in the road. A couple of potholes. A long, […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Your boat insurance policy isn’t as hard to read as you think. It’s a bit of a wade to get through the “aggregates,” “agreeds,” and “perils” whipped together by the underwriters, but it’s an important piece of protection you should understand. The answer to the question posed by this article […]

The entire iNavX team would like to welcome you to our new Blog, and more importantly, to introduce you to B.J. Porter, our first contributing editor. B.J. are his wife Kathy are lifetime sailors, who back in 2012 fulfilled their dream of moving onto their boat, S/V Evenstar. Since then, along with their two children, […]