Category: Blog

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Originally, we were going to give you another “Boating Terminology 101” for this article. But it’s November, and it’s cold outside already, and the clocks are just about to fall back. Outboard Anatomy can wait until next month. To quote the late, great Jimmy Buffett: 20 degrees and the hockey […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Last month we talked about standing rigging – the fixed, permanent parts of your boat. This month, we’re on to running rigging – the various lines that you move, pull, and release to sail the boat. Running rigging has at least one free end. For this article, we’re talking about […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) There’s not much more exciting than seeing some big marine life when you’re out on your boat. Seeing dolphins playfully swimming in your boat’s wake or a majestic whale breaching can make your day. As we used to say, “there’s never a bad day with dolphins.” Although it’s exciting, there […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Rigging comes in two forms – standing rigging, or that which is permanently fixed to the boat, and running rigging, which is the lines and other devices that can be easily removed and adjusted. Next month, we’ll talk about running rigging, because that has a whole mess of names too. […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Boat shows are a blast, and you can see some of the newest tools and tech for boating, and all the latest new boats. Shows in the winter get you through the cold-weather doldrums, and shows closer to the season have in-water boat viewings and more events. Shows vary from […]