Category: iNavX: How To

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor)  Now and then, I open the knot book to look up something for a specific application. I’ve come to it with questions like “what’s the best way to tie this slippery piece of uncovered Spectra to this anchor chain so it never slips” or some other specialized knot. But for […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor)  My iNavX Experience We’re introducing a new occasional feature on the iNavX blog – interviews and discussions with real users. We hope sharing their iNavX stories will give you new ideas about how our software can be used. When I mentioned I’d be writing for iNavX to a friend of […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) In 2018 in the United States, the Coast Guard counted 633 deaths and over 2,500 serious injuries from recreational boating accidents. Not to be dark and grim, but boating safety is a serious topic and many fatalities and accidents could have been prevented with care and caution. This isn’t an […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) We’ve taken the mast off of Evenstar before.  A couple of times in fact.  When storing on land in the winter her mast is so tall that the windage is dangerous, so to avoid shaking, rattling and damage to the boat we pulled the mast when we did it. It was pretty […]

by B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor)  “No Battle Plan Survives Contact With the Enemy” –  Helmuth von Moltke If you haven’t figured it out from my posts to date, the initial battery installation didn’t go as smoothly as planned. There were some speed bumps. A few dips in the road. A couple of potholes. A long, […]

By. B.J. Porter (Contributing Editor) Welcome to my Research Project Lithium batteries are a wonderful technology. They are lighter, charge better, and are so efficient. OH MY GOD YOUR BOAT IS GOING TO EXPLODE LIKE A GALAXY NOTE SEVEN ON A TRANSCONTINENTAL FLIGHT! You’ll get so much more life out of them, they’ll last for […]

The entire iNavX team would like to welcome you to our new Blog, and more importantly, to introduce you to B.J. Porter, our first contributing editor. B.J. are his wife Kathy are lifetime sailors, who back in 2012 fulfilled their dream of moving onto their boat, S/V Evenstar. Since then, along with their two children, […]

Auto advance waypoints in a route by setting “Waypoint Arrival Distance” This video describes how to make waypoints in an iNavX route auto-advance to the next waypoint as you follow your route.

Explore the new and improved GRIB weather forecasts in iNavX