Special offer for ASA Members

SAVE 10% on all charts and data services in iNavX

with Promo Code: ASA10

Need to download iNavX?
Click HERE or search for iNavX in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store on your mobile device

How-to Activate & Use the iNavX-ASA Promo Code
– A Step by Step Guide

If you experience any difficulties, please reach out to us for assistance at: support@inavx.com

At ASA, we are committed to keeping sailors safe, and having a fully functioning chartplotter that fits in your pocket like iNavX is essential. iNavXis a complete handheld chartplotter that works as a mobile app on your cell phone or tablet, and is a fraction of the cost of an onboard MFD. In partnership with iNavX, ASA members now receive special discounts including 10% off all charts and data services in the iNavX app. iNavX is the most versatile, accurate and convenient navigation suite available, offering multiple chart formats as well as advanced features like Weather and AIS overlays for increased sailor safety and satisfaction.