Track is a log or recorded history of up to the last 500 nm traveled. Select "Record" to enable track logging:

Record Function
OFF No track logging.
HI Record up to 100 NM at the highest resolution.
MED Record up to 500 NM at the medium resolution.
LO Record up to 1,000 NM at the lowest resolution.

Enable "Background Recording" in order to have track records recorded even when iNavX is suspended. Note: This can drain the battery and only works with Location Services.

Select "Track Back" to create and navigate to a "Track Back" waypoint which dynamically traverses the inverted track history. Initially the navigation will be to the closest track segment within 50 NM. Tapping "Track Back" a second time or selecting "Cancel Goto" on the Waypoints view will cancel the "Track Back".

Select "Remove" to delete the track history. The track will be plotted on the chart as line segments between each track point that is less than 5nm apart.

Select "Export" to transfer track from iNavX. Before track can be exported, an account at x-traverse must be created. Be sure to enter the x-traverse account (email and password) info in the "Account" view. "Share on Facebook" will export the track (and any waypoints including their associated pictures near the track) to both x-traverse and a linked Facebook account. Note: Emailing or Opening a track does not require an x-traverse account.

Select "Import/Export" on the Waypoints view to import a track into iNavX. Before tracks can be imported, an account at x-traverse must be created. Be sure to enter the x-traverse account (email and password) info in the "Account" view. Tracks can also be imported by holding down a GPX, KML or KMZ file attachment in an email and selecting "Open In..." "iNavX".

Any track record can be selected to see more detail. Select the disclosure button to scroll the chart to the selected track record.
